Even as Sonam Kapoor’s fans waited to catch a glimpse of the most anticipated Bollywood wedding, trolls on social media didn’t spare the actor on her special day. The fashionista married her longtime beau Anand Ahuja on May 8. Amid the celebrations, Twitterati dug out old tweets and controversies to take a dig at Sonam.
ALSO READ: Meet the newlyweds Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja
From calling out the actor for getting married within two months of a death on the family — that of her aunt and star actor Sridevi — to addressing her as anti-national, these tweets did not hold anything back as the trolls went after the bride. Have a look at the tweets here.
Bringing to light the tweet that Sonam posted after the Kathua rape case, tweeple initiated #shameonsonamkapoor. Some of them even demanded to boycott her wedding while others termed her anti-Hindu.
The actress was questioned for getting married in a ‘rush’. Reminding her of Sridevi’s death, the trolls asked Sonam why she didn’t wait longer.
The Twitterati did not stop there and went on to accuse her of being a ‘gold digger’. One of the highest paid actresses of Bollywood was called out for allegedly getting married to Anand Ahuja only because he is rich.
READ MORE: Photo timeline: Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja’s tale of togetherness
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja tied the knot at Rockdale, the plush residence of Sonam Kapoor’s aunt Kavita Singh, in a glittering and star-studded ceremony. The actress looked ravishing in the red lehenga designed by Anuradha Vakil.
The ceremony was attended by the bride’s friends from the industry such as Karan Johar, Varun Dhawan, Swara Bhaskar, Jacqueline Fernandez, Kareena Kapoor Khan with Saif Ali Khan, Amitabh Bachchan and Shweta Nanda.