Sohail Khan, an actor and producer, and his wife, designer Seema Khan, filed for divorce on Friday. The pair tied the knot in 1998 and have two children together. The couple was seen exiting a Mumbai family court.
As the paparazzi captured them from afar, the estranged couple was spotted exiting Mumbai’s Family Court. Seema and Sohail have yet to make an official announcement about their split. They have, however, been apart for quite some time.
Sohail and Seema married in 1998 and received their first child, son Nirvan Khan, in 2000. Yohan, the couple’s second son, was born via surrogacy in June 2011. Yohan’s 10th birthday was celebrated by the family last year.
The couple was photographed leaving the Family Court separately on Friday. Sohail was accompanied by tight security as he left the city’s Family Court while Seema was seen walking towards her car.
For a long period, the pair have been dogged by split rumors. Seema Khan appeared in the show ‘The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives,’ which depicted the couple living apart. Seema subsequently described their relationship as ‘unconventional,’ saying, “I’ll just say this much because it’s out there: whatever you see on the television is the total truth.” All I have to say about it is that it is what it is.”
She also addressed the rumors about their marriage on the show. “It’s simply that as you get older, your relationships tend to meander and diverge in different directions.” I make no apologies because we are content and my children are content. Sohail and I are not married in the traditional sense, but we are a family. We work as a team. At the end of the day, it’s about him, myself, and our kids,” he stated.