In light of recent events in Kolkata, singer Shreya Ghoshal has decided to reschedule her highly anticipated concert, which was initially set for September 14, 2024. The decision comes in response to the city-wide protests following the horrific rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital earlier this month.
On Saturday, Shreya Ghoshal took to social media to share her heartfelt message regarding the postponement. In an Instagram post, she expressed her deep sorrow and concern over the tragic incident that has shocked the city and beyond.
“I am deeply affected by the gruesome and heinous incident that recently took place in Kolkata,” Ghoshal wrote. “As a woman, the brutality of what happened sends shivers down my spine. It is unthinkable and heartbreaking.”
The singer, who was set to perform as part of her “All Hearts Tour,” explained that she and her promoters at Ishq FM felt it was essential to stand in solidarity with the ongoing protests and the call for justice. Ghoshal’s statement emphasized the need to support the broader movement for women’s safety and respect.
“We deeply regret having to reschedule the concert,” she continued. “But it is important for us to take a stand and join you all in solidarity. The concert will now be moved to a date in October 2024. We hope that our friends and fans will understand this decision.”
Ghoshal assured her audience that all tickets purchased for the original date will remain valid for the rescheduled performance. The new date for the concert will be announced soon, and Ghoshal expressed her hope that the rescheduling would not diminish the anticipation for the event.
“We look forward to seeing you all in October,” she added. “In the meantime, I ask for your patience and support as we navigate this challenging time together.”