Sara Ali Khan was seen in Jammu and Kashmir during the Amarnath Yatra after she posted pictures of her Sonamarg holiday. Online images and videos of Sara from Amarnath, one of the most revered Hindu pilgrimage locations in the nation, appeared on Thursday. Along the trip to the shrine, the actress was accompanied by other travellers.
“Actor Sara Ali Khan embarks on the Amarnath Yatra in Jammu and Kashmir,” a tweet was put out alongside footage of Sara Ali Khan during the Amarnath pilgrimage.
In the video, Sara is seen leaving the shrine while being followed by members of her team and security guards. She was seen with a crimson chunni (scarf) around her neck and wearing a turquoise jacket with matching trousers. Additionally, a crimson tika (vermilion) was seen on her forehead.
After Sara Ali Khan posted a preview of her trips on Instagram, the most recent clip became public. The star posted several photos from her mountain escapades, one of which showed her relaxing in a nice tent while sipping tea and holding an adorable little goat in her lap.
She captioned it, “When the soul is content and the hamstrings are sore, bakri se phir bacchon se ki dosti (befriended goat and children), and then we had the chai (tea) I adore.” after sharing it.
Sara Ali Khan’s most recent professional appearance was in Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, starring Vicky Kaushal. The actress has a number of intriguing projects in development, including Metro In Dino by Anurag Basu.
Ae Watan Mere Watan is another project the actor is working on. Ae Watan Mere Watan is a thriller-drama based on true events that depicts the valiant journey of a Bombay college student who becomes a liberation fighter.