Bollywood’s power couple, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan celebrated their seventh wedding anniversary on Wednesday. Present were Taimur Ali Khan along with Karishma Kapoor, Kunal Kemmu, Soha Ali Khan and many others as they partied together in the presence of friends and family.
Pictures from the party were taking rounds on social media. The celebs took to their official Instagram handle to share the pictures. These images are evidence of the fact that the duo is in love more than ever.
Karisma even shared some of the pics of the night on her Instagram profile and seems like the evening was totally lit.
Kareena looked beautiful in a tank top and Saif was in a dark shirt as they posed for happy pictures together.
“Happy anniversary to my rocks! Love you both,” Karisma captioned the image.
Another photograph doing the rounds on social media shows Taimur clinging onto Saif as his mom and dad are just about to cut their anniversary cake.
Saif, who was earlier married to actress Amrita Singh, tied the knot with Kareena in 2012 after a five-year courtship.
On the professional front, Saif’s new film Laal Kaptaan releases this week.