Actor Ranveer Singh is currently in Hyderabad shooting for his upcoming film Simmba. He turned 33 on 6 July and rang in his birthday on the sets with director Rohit Shetty and crew of the film.
The crew made sure to kickstart the birthday celebrations with firecrackers, birthday cake, and jars of Nutella. Fan pages shared the video of Ranveer Singh in which he is seen quite ecstatic as he blew the candles and the fireworks began. In another video, he can be seen singing a birthday song, Baar Baar Din Yeh Aaye, to himself and joining the celebrations.
Director Rohit Shetty shared a new Simmba picture of the actor and wished him. He looked completely beefed up showing his muscles and sporting his moustache, sunglasses and side-parted hair. His post reads: “Straight. Simple. Honest. Hard Working and Pure at Heart. Be the way you are. God bless you with loads and loads of Success, Good Health and Happiness. Lots of Love to you my little Brother. Happy Birthday @ranveersingh.” To his birthday boy Ranveer Singh replied, “Sirrrrrr.. spending my birthday on your set! What more could I ask for? #blessed.”
Ranveer will essay the role of a policeman for the first time on the silver screen. He is paired opposite Sara Ali Khan in the movie. Apart from Simmba, he has Zoya Akhtar’s Gully Boy and Kabir Khan’s 83 in his kitty.