Ranveer Singh, whom we have often seen in a quirky and playful avatar off-screen, recently showed that he is also a true gentleman. On Wednesday, the Padmaavat actor attended a store opening event in Mumbai. While he was walking out of the store, a horde of fans surrounded him.
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The 33-year-old actor did not hesitate from clicking pictures with the fans. Meanwhile, a few men kept pushing in while he was clicking pictures with his female fans. Like a gentleman, Ranveer protected the women in the crowd and kept those men away. Later, he asked them to have patience and went to take pictures with them too. Check out the video here.
Read more: Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh ‘attacked’ me, claims fan who recorded them during vacation
However, it did not end there, before leaving the place Ranveer jumped on the roof of his car and waved at the fans who were gathered around him. While the excited fans were rejoicing it also created a small traffic jam on the road. Here’s the video.
On the film front, Ranveer Singh would be next seen in Rohit Shetty directorial Simmba alongside debutante Sara Ali Khan.