Actor Ranveer Singh and his Kapil Devils team is in London to shoot for filmmaker Kabir Khan’s upcoming movie ’83. The star shared many fan boy moments when he met former cricket stars Shane Warne and Sunil Gavaskar.
The Padmaavat actor also met cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar and called him the “God of cricket.”
On Sunday night, Ranveer treated his fans to a string of photographs featuring him along with former cricket legends like Vivian Richards, Sachin Tendulkar, Sunil Gavaskar and Shane Warne.
’83 will trace India’s historic victory at the 1983 Cricket World Cup. It also stars Saqib Saleem, Harddy Sandhu, Ammy Virk, Pankaj Tripathi and Tahir Raj Bhasin, among others.
The film is being presented by Reliance Entertainment, and will be released on April 10, 2020 in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.