Tamil actor Vijay’s latest release, Sarkar, has shaken the box office as well as AIADMK ministers. The political thriller directed by AR Murugadoss, which was released on 6 November, courted controversy over a few scenes.
On Wednesday, several party cadres protested outside various theatres in Tamil Nadu and tore up banners of the film and cut-outs of Vijay.
On 9 November, superstar Rajnikanth, took to Twitter to speak in support of the film, and condemned the “unlawful act”.
“To protest for the removal of certain scenes from the movie and stop it from being screened after the Censor Board has certified it is against the law. I strong condemn this act,” the actor wrote in Tamil.
A day before, actor-politician Kamal Haasan too strongly objected to the actions of the AIADMK government.
“It isn’t new for this government to act and pressurize against a film like Sarkar, which has completed its censor formalities properly. A government that can’t face criticism can go off the tangent. Commercialised politicians will soon be vanished and the good people would win,” Haasan tweeted.
AIADMK ministers and party cadres have opposed to certain scenes in Sarkar and demanded their removal.
The makers have reportedly agreed to mute scenes that have been termed controversial. However, Sun Picture is yet to announce that officially.
The story revolves around an NRI played by Vijay, who returns to India to vote, only to realise his vote had been cast illegally. He digs deep into the matter, stirring up a political turmoil.
Meanwhile, the film, Sarkar, has minted Rs 100 crore in just two days at the Box office.