Radhika Apte has been away from public life for a while now. Recently, the ‘Andhadhun’ actress shocked fans with her appearance at the BFI London Film Festival. The actress sent the fans into a frenzy as she flaunted her baby bump. The revelation took fans by surprise as she didn’t make a formal announcement about her pregnancy. Subsequently, she dropped snaps on Instagram, flaunting her bump. Recently, the actress also opened up about how her pregnancy shocked her. Moreover, she was candid about the challenges she faced during the process.
In her conversation with Variety, Radhika Apte got candid about her unexpected pregnancy. She iterated that the process wasn’t an entirely flowery one but also posed challenges on the way. “I started telling people the very next day. It’s such a stupid story, really. I don’t want to make it public, but let’s just say it’s funny how it happened. It wasn’t an accident, but we also weren’t trying. And it still came as a shock.”
Just like other women, Radhika also had qualms about how her body changed and how she looked. “I did this photo shoot a week before giving birth. Truth is, I struggled to embrace how I looked at the time. I had never seen myself put on so much weight. My body was swollen, I had shooting pains in my pelvis, and the lack of sleep had skewed my perspective on everything. Now, not even two weeks into motherhood, my body looks different again.”
With time, gradually, Radhika has accepted her changed body. “There are new challenges, new discoveries, and a different perspective has set in. I look at these photos with much kinder eyes and feel bad for being so hard on myself. Now, I can see only beauty in these changes, and I know I will cherish these photos forever.”
Elaborating further on the surprise pregnancy, she added, “I think it’s easier when people know whether they want a child or not. In our case, neither of us wanted kids, but there was this one per cent curiosity about what it would be like. Then, when this happened, we wondered whether to even go ahead.” She added, “Most women I know have had tough pregnancies, and honestly, it’s like menopause or your period—those hormones are no joke. But while we openly talk about how awful periods and menopause are, pregnancy gets this whole glow treatment. Sure, giving birth is amazing, but no one talks about the tough parts, and I find that absurd.”
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Meanwhile, Radhika Apte plans to continue staying in London until February before moving back to India for work. Talking about her first trimester, the actress opened up about the problems she faced. She revealed having terrible bloating, constipation, and nausea. She was also shooting at 40 degrees for three months straight. “I was having a meltdown all the time.” Radhika revealed that she wanted to punch people who advised her to stay happy because she was having a child. “I am telling you that I am suffering, and you are telling me to be happy.”
On the work front, Radhika’s last was ‘Sister Midnight.’ Moving ahead, she will be seen in ‘Last Days.’