Actor Ram Charan and his wife Upasana attended the grand opening ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris and cheered for fellow Hyderabadi star, ace badminton player PV Sindhu, as she triumphed over Maldives’ Fathimath Abdul Razzaq on Sunday. The star couple were accompanied by Ram Charan’s parents, superstar Chiranjeevi and Surekha. The couple expressed their unwavering support for Sindhu by sharing glimpses of the event on Instagram and enjoying a tour of the Olympic village with her.
Upasana took to her Instagram stories to share a series of photos and videos, giving fans a glimpse of their day out with Sindhu. She also posted a video showing her and Ram Charan cheering for the Indian badminton star during her match. In another video, PV Sindhu is seen giving the couple a tour of the Olympic village, with Upasana ensuring that netizens got a virtual tour. A viral video also shows Sindhu petting the couple’s dog, Rhyme.
The couple also posted a picture with PV Sindhu, who is giving a thumbs-up pose beneath the Olympic rings. They shared the photo on Instagram with the caption, “#jeetkiaur all the best #teamindia @pvsindhu1 you are a true rock star. @weareteamindia @olympics.” Sindhu reacted by commenting, “I am so happy you guys could come!!” and reposted Upasana’s story featuring Sindhu walking and chatting with Ram’s father, the legendary actor Chiranjeevi. For the event, Ram Charan opted for a comfy all-black ensemble, while Upasana wore a white dress paired with a statement black belt.
Ahead of the event, Chiranjeevi spent a “serene moment” with his family in London. The superstar shared a picture on X showing him pushing his grandchild Klin Kaara’s pram as the family strolled in London’s Hyde Park. He captioned the picture, “Relishing a serene moment with family and the grand little one Klin Kaara at Hyde Park London, en route our journey to Paris tomorrow! Summer Olympics 24 Inaugural Event Beckons.”
The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics broke from convention by taking place outside the stadium. Leading the Indian team this year were two-time medallist PV Sindhu and five-time Olympian Sharath Kamal.