Actor Priyanka Chopra, who is all set for the next season of her American TV series Quantico, recently visited the ongoing Sundance Film Festival to promote her Hollywood film A Kid Like Jake. She has two Hollywood films in her kitty and in both she stars with a big personality of Amercian film and television industry.
At the ongoing Sundance Film Festival, Priyanka was seen promoting her next Hollywood film with the cast. She posted photos with her co-actors on her Instagram handle. The cast who were present at the festival included Homeland star Clarie Danes, The Big Band Theorys’ Jim Parsons, and Octavia Spencer, who was last seen in The Shape of Water.
Priyanka Chopra wore cargo pants, white high-neck sweater, and a jacket. She added a bun and minimal makeup with heeled boots.
She captioned her photo along with a picture of the team of ‘A Kid Like Jake’, saying, “So proud to be a part of #AKidLikeJake, a story that humanises the struggle of parents trying to do right by their kid. This film breaks down the barriers of being socially correct and encourages you to embraces the qualities that make each one of us unique. So happy to bring my support to this already stellar cast. See you in the pictures…#SundanceFilmFestival.”
The film is based on a play written by Daniel Pearle and is directed by Silas Howard.