Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan, who will be next seen in Super 30, a biopic based on a Patna-based mathematician. Initially, the film was being helmed by Vikas Bahl but he has stepped out following allegations of sexual misconduct against him.
After the allegations, Hrithik Roshan had said it was impossible to work with any person if he/she was guilty of such grave misconduct.
While almost 90 per cent of the work on Super 30 was done, the remaining 10 per cent has been handed over to director Kabir Khan. Quoting a source, Bollywood Hungama reported, “It is not a small thing for any renowned director to step in at this last hour to complete a film. But Kabir, who is already working on another big biopic ’83 for the same producers (Phantom Films) saw the gravity of the situation. Super 30 has so far shaped up into a finely-honed biopic. To leave it unfinished would be doing disservice to the good work that Anand Kumar has been doing, and to the cause of aesthetic cinema as well.”
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A former employee of Phantom Films had claimed that Bahl harassed her sexually. Actress Kangana Ranaut, who worked in Bahl’s Queen, supported the employee’s account by sharing her own experience with the director.
Back in October, Hrithik took to Twitter and issued a statement, “It is impossible for me to work with any person if he/she is guilty of such grave misconduct. I am away and have access to only sporadic information. I have requested the producers of Super 30 to take stock of the apparent facts and take a harsh stand if need be.”
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Super 30 starring Hrithik Roshan and Mrunal Thakur is Phantom’s latest project that will clash with Kangana’s Manikarnika on 25 January 2019.