Actor Jitendra Kumar is taking a trip down memory lane as his debut film ‘Gone Kesh’ marks its 5th anniversary today. Sharing glimpses from the sets on Instagram, Jitendra expressed his gratitude for being part of the film and reminisced about his journey.
“Five years since my first appearance on the silver screen, and it still feels like yesterday,” Jitendra wrote in his heartfelt post. “Being a part of ‘Gone Kesh’ was a dream come true moment for me. Thank you, Qasim Khallow, for letting me step into the shoes of Sujoy. And to my co-star, Bhattatawada, your warmth and brilliance as Enakshi made this journey even more special.”
The post quickly garnered attention from fans, with many congratulating Jitendra on the milestone. Amidst the celebratory messages, one fan couldn’t resist asking about the highly anticipated ‘Panchayat Season 3.’
Reflecting on his journey since the release of ‘Gone Kesh,’ Jitendra expressed his overwhelming emotions. “It’s been an incredible five years. Seeing myself on the silver screen for the first time was an adrenaline rush like no other,” he shared. “I’ll forever cherish the love and support I received for my portrayal of Sujoy. It’s moments like these that make this journey unforgettable.”
Looking ahead, Jitendra has an exciting lineup, including appearances in ‘Panchayat Season 3’ and ‘Kota Factory Season 3,’ promising fans more memorable performances to come.
As Jitendra celebrates this milestone, fans eagerly anticipate what the future holds for the talented actor, hoping for many more captivating roles and memorable performances on the silver screen.