Bollywood film Padmaavat, the first Indian movie to release in IMAX 3D, has garnered a record $461,000 opening weekend box office from 12 IMAX theatres in India.
The figures were announced by IMAX Corporation and Viacom18 Motion Pictures on Tuesday via a statement.
Directed by filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Padmaavat is the first Indian local-language title released globally in the IMAX 3D format. It hit the screens on January 25.
“The film’s record-breaking IMAX box office in India underscores the growing demand among local audiences for India’s biggest and boldest titles to be presented in our ultra-immersive format,” said Greg Foster, CEO of IMAX Entertainment and Senior Executive Vice President, IMAX Corp.
“We look forward to the film’s continued success in India and across our global network,” he added.
Padmaavat was also distributed to an additional 42 IMAX theatres in 10 markets outside of India, including North America, Australia, the Middle East, Africa and the UK.
Globally, the film grossed $1.3 million across a total of 54 IMAX theatres in its opening weekend run for a $24,000 per-screen average.
An epic period drama, it marks the fourth Indian local-language production to be released in IMAX globally.
The film, based on the Sufi poet Malik Muhammad Jayasi’s poem Padmavat, stars Deepika Padukone, Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh.
Ajit Andhare, Chief Operating Officer, Viacom18 Motion Pictures, said: “As producers of ‘Padmaavat’, we wanted to give our audience a larger than life cinematic experience and take them through of the journey of the characters.”
The IMAX release of Padmaavat was digitally re-mastered into the image and sound quality of an IMAX 3D experience.