Indian actress Neetu Chandra who hails from the small town of Bihar has made the country proud of her as she was roped in for a big-budget Hollywood film Never Back Down: Revolt with Sony pictures. ‘Bharat Ki Beti’ is currently being hailed all over the nation for her big achievement in such a short span of life.
Recently, the actress met CM of Bihar Nitish Kumar and Minister of Industry Syed Shahnawaz Hussain on a two-day trip to Bihar. Acknowledging Neetu’s visit and her triumph in the world’s leading cinematic industry both the prominent personalities jotted down a note on a social media account.
Minister of Industry Syed Shahnawaz Hussain composes “ Met actress @nituchandra who is doing a lead role in #Hollywood film #NEVERBACKDOWNREVOLT with Sony pictures. It was a pleasure meeting her and proud to see a Bihar Ki Beti making her mark in the world’s leading film industry”.
Appreciating Neetu Chandra’s visit to the town, Chief Minister Nitesh Kumar congratulated the actress for her big win in Hollywood and wished her luck for her future ahead.
Never Back Down: Revolt is Neetu Chandra’s first Hollywood film for which the actress has collected acclaim from all over the world.
Before this, Neetu was also seen in ‘Oye Lucky! Lucky Oye!’, ‘Garam Masala’, and ‘One Two Three’