Recently, reports surfaced that following Dhanush, the makers of Nayanthara’s breakthrough film ‘Chandramukhi’ are suing her for 5 crores. The makers were reportedly suing her for using film footage in her Netflix documentary ‘Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale’ without permission. However, now the production banner, Sivaji Productions has rebuffed the reports. They issued a statement clarifying that the Lady Superstar had obtained a No Objection Certificate from them.
Industry tracker Manobala Vijayabalan also shared the NOC on his X account. The post confirms that Sivaji Productions had no objections to the usage of specific footage from ‘Chandramukhi’ in her documentary. The certificate specified the timestamps from the film. It confirmed that Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan’s Rowdy Pictures had received permission to use, reproduce, distribute, and sub-license the footage exclusively for the documentary.
The certificate stated, “We confirm that Rowdy Pictures has been granted permission to use, reproduce, distribute, and/or sub-license the aforementioned video footage exclusively for use in the Netflix series titled ‘Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairy Tale.’”
Moreover, the statement added, “We further declare that we shall hold Rowdy Pictures (along with affiliates, licensees/sub-licensees, and assigns) harmless from any claims and/or disputes arising out of the use of the video footage as authorized under the certificate/letter.” The reports of the production banner suing the ‘Jawan’ star for 5 crores therefore are baseless.
Notably, previously, ‘Naanum Rowdy Dhaan’ producer Dhanush also filed a legal petition against Nayanthara and Netflix. The suit accused her of using a three-second BTS clip filmed on her personal device without permission. The documentary offers a rare glimpse into the personal life of Nayanthara, including her relationship with filmmaker Vignesh Shivan, her husband.
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Meanwhile, Nayanthara won hearts with her portrayal of Durga in the 2005 Tamil blockbuster ‘Chandramukhi.’ In the title, she starred alongside Rajinikanth and Jyotika. Her role enhanced the film and added a layer of emotions, contributing to the film’s success. The film proved pivotal for her career as it helped her cement her footing in the film industry.