Lucky Bisht is a writer, former NSG Command, and bodyguard of Narendra Modi and other notable Indian political leaders.
He has worked with numerous government security agencies such as CRPF, and NSG and has led missions in various countries. With every passing mission, he proved his valour and sense of service to the country.
But his life has been a breeding ground of speculations and mysteries surrounding his character and he is notoriously famous for being a prisoner that no one wants to put behind bars. Yes, that’s right!
After serving in the Indian Army and the National Security Guard for a good period of time, Lucky Bisht realised that there is a trove of stories that the public misses out on. He observed people and their talent that might never see the door of Bollywood, simply because they lack the means. He understood his role in this and immediately ventured to Bollywood.
He launched his own production house by the name Lucky Commando Films (LCF) in the year 2019. His production house is a hub of creativity and innovation.
Lucky Bisht’s journey from the strict lands of government to the creative planes of Bollywood has been an interesting one and not without purpose. He has always led a life of a greater purpose. When in the security services, his purpose was to serve the nation with utmost sincerity and now that he is in Bollywood he aims to do that same but this time, his medium is a bit different. This time he aims to serve his purpose through powerful storytelling and imagery. Going one step ahead, he also plans to bring to life stories that remain untold, stories of inspiration and value. Because what better way to leave a mark on the audience than by giving them stories that will stay with them. In doing so, Lucky Bisht serves as an inspiration to his generation.
Lucky Bisht remarks, “India is two countries in one. There’s one part that is exciting, and extravagant and the other part is brutal and full of suffering. My idea is to give the other part a platform to exist. And to give its youth a pathway to their dreams. My stories will focus more on the realistic side of life. I also want to educate my audience. Cinema is largely responsible for shaping society. I understand my accountability here.”
In India, Lucky Bisht has his offices in Mumbai and Haldwani. He also has an entire network of distributors all over India. His production house is always in talks with various actors and crew to bring the most informative content to the public!