Telugu star Mahesh Babu shared an adorable picture with his wife Namrata Shirodkar on the occasion of their 14th wedding anniversary. The Bharat Ane Nenu star took the opportunity to share their candid moment with the fans, and it’s winning hearts on social media.
“Candid moments captured. Anniversary 14!! Happy Anniversary my love, Namrata Shirodkar,” the actor captioned the image.
Reposting the same photograph on Instagram, Namrata wrote, “Thank you for the best 14 years of my life🤗 Happy anniversary❤❤.”
The actors first met in 1999 during the muhurat of Namrata’s third south Indian film, Vamsi. The actress, who is four years older to Mahesh, had already made her debut in Bollywood alongside Salman Khan. After dating each other for 5 years they scaled up their relationship and decided to get married.
Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar, a former Miss India, tied the knot in 2005 and have completed 13 years of companionship. The couple has two children, Gautham Krishna and Sitara.
On the film front, Mahesh Babu is currently shooting for Vamshi Paidipally’s Maharshi also starring Pooja Hedge.