Telugu cinema icon Mahesh Babu celebrated his birthday on Friday, and the heartfelt tributes poured in from all corners. Among the most touching was a warm message from his wife, Namrata Shirodkar, who took to Instagram to share her affection.
Namrata’s post was a blend of admiration and love, showcasing a dapper photograph of Mahesh Babu. She wrote, “Another year, another reason to celebrate the amazing man you are. Life with you is a blockbuster that just keeps getting better. Happy birthday my superstar, my partner, and my love. Here’s to many more @urstrulymahesh.”
The message quickly garnered a wave of birthday wishes from fans and celebrities alike. Enthusiastic followers flooded the comments with their best wishes, calling him a “superstar” and praising his excellence. Actor Chunky Panday also joined in, sending his own birthday cheer with a message that read, “Happy Happy Birthday dear Mahesh (heart and cake emoji).”
Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar, who married on February 10, 2005, have built a strong family foundation with their two children, Gautam and Sitara Ghattamaneni. Namrata often shares her deep affection for Mahesh on social media, marking special occasions with heartfelt posts. Just earlier this year, she celebrated their wedding anniversary with another touching message, reflecting on their journey together.
On the professional front, Mahesh Babu recently appeared in the commercial hit “Guntur Kaaram,” directed by Trivikram Srinivas. The film, known for its star-studded cast including Sree Leela and Meenakshi Chaudhary, has added to his illustrious career.
Looking ahead, Mahesh is gearing up for his next major project, tentatively titled SSMB29, under the direction of SS Rajamouli. The film’s pre-production is in full swing, and Mahesh has even traveled to Germany to prepare for the physically demanding role he is set to play.
As Mahesh Babu enjoys the warm wishes from his family, friends, and fans, the excitement around his upcoming projects continues to build.