Actress Anushka Sharma has finally found one of her six doppelgangers that she had been looking for — and she has her fans to thank for this. Earlier this week, a photograph of US pop singer Julia Michaels, whom the social media users are calling a “lookalike” of the actress, went viral.
On Monday, Michaels took to Twitter to connect with her “twin”, Anushka. She shared a collage of their photographs and captioned it: “Hi Anushka Sharma, apparently we are twins.”
Now, Anushka has reacted to her message and acknowledged their striking resemblance.
“OMG Yes! I have been looking for you and the remaining five of our doppelgangers all my life,” she wrote.
Julia Michaels made her singing debut in 2017. The 25-year-old songwriter has also written songs for popular singers like Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Fifth Harmony, Shawn Mendes, Britney Spears, and Justin Bieber.
On the other hand, Anushka Sharma was last seen on the silver screen in Zero, which also stars Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif.