In continuation of the Twitter war between Karnataka BJP and ex-reality show judge Raghu Ram, the former called Raghu an on-camera bully and off camera sissy.
It all began with a tweet from the official BJP Karnataka page which read, “Our karyakartas get constant phone calls from their families asking them about their safety. Hindus have understood that this govt will not protect them. Fear of annihilation grips every Hindu household in Karavali. Pro-jihadi Siddu must go. We must create #JihadiMuktaKarnataka.”
This sparked a wrath and Raghu Ram replied to the tweet in which he wrote, “ARE YOU FICKING SERIOUS???!!! This hate message is now going out from the official, verified bjp page?? Appalled at the hate language of official Karnataka BJP and their clear attempt at creating communal tension to polarise votes for electoral gains.”
After this, the Karnataka BJP did not hold back and roasted the television personality by tweeting, “Look who’s here, the on-camera bully and off camera sissy, who was ousted from a reality show for his anger management issues. If you have any sensitivity left, why don’t you visit the kin of the 24 deceased karyakartas and know their pain before making loose talks on Twitter.”
Raghu Ram fumed and wrote, “I’m so flattered you have time to tweet to me. It’s election time! … Come on! Focus! And as for me, read my bio. I love muting morons. Haha! Bye!”
Although he has deleted the tweets, the heated conversation was witnessed by the netizens.