Popular Kannada actress Sanjjanaa Galrani has shared heartfelt condolences on the sudden death of popular small screen actor and ‘Big Boss 13’ winner Sidharth Shukla.
“We worked together in the TV show ‘Mujhse Shaadi Karooge’, what a classy guy he was,” she said in her video posted on social media.
“This is really bad news. I am shocked. Such a good-looking actor, he is no more. I can’t believe it. Imagine his family’s plight. Last year it was Sushant, this year it is Sidharth, ‘ho kya Raha hai’ (what is happening). How fit he used to be, such a classy and balanced ‘banda’ (guy) he was.
Sidharth was a true gentleman and he is no more I can’t believe,” she explains.
“He is my favourite. I saw his latest ‘Dil ko karaar aaya’ song repeatedly. He was there on every platform,” she added.
“I got to know about the shocking news. His new song was released two days ago. It’s shocking that he is no longer with us. Why do people who are alive indulge in fights as if they live forever? Why do they live with egos? What is the meaning of life if 40-year-old Sidharth Shukla is not with us anymore?” she asked.
“Life is very short. Why do we have to fill it with all negativity? No one could guarantee who will wake up tomorrow morning. As long as we live, we need to do the right things. After this incident, it seems life is a farce,” Sanjjana says.