Adult film star Johnny Sins recently shared his unique experience of working in India alongside Bollywood heartthrob Ranveer Singh. The duo made waves on the internet after starring in an advertisement for a sexual wellness brand, catching many by surprise.
In an interaction with Tanmay Bhatt on his YouTube channel, Sins reflected on the stark differences between filming in India and the United States. He confessed that he was taken aback by the sheer number of people on set in India, with around 150 individuals present, a stark contrast to the usual three to five people he’s accustomed to working with in the US.
Sins humorously remarked, “I don’t think I have ever seen so many people on set. The largest set I have seen in the US is maybe 15 people and most of my shoots these days are me and the girl usually.”
Despite the bustling set, Johnny Sins expressed admiration for the warmth and hospitality of the Indian people. He lamented not being able to explore the country as much as he would have liked during his visit, stating, “It’s been a little hard because you come all the way here, to a country you have always wanted to see, really not be able to see it. The people have been amazing. Everybody has been extremely nice and what I have seen so far has been extremely cool.”
The advertisement featuring Sins and Singh took the internet by storm, surprising many who had not anticipated Sins’ involvement. The secrecy surrounding Sins’ trip to India added to the intrigue, with the ad turning out to be a parody of a popular Hindi television serial.
Overall, Sins’ experience of working in India provided him with a unique perspective and an opportunity to collaborate across cultural boundaries, leaving a lasting impression on both him and his fans.