Jackky Bhagnani under his banner Jjust Music revealed the poster of the upcoming ‘Nain Ronde Rehnde’ from a talented artist Ahen Vaatish, it gave rise to a whole new buzz in the market about it. Without any delay, the makers are here with the teaser of the song to elevate the anticipation of the audience about their upcoming soulful melody ‘Nain Ronde Rehnde’.
Having received a lot of amazing music from Jackky Bhagnani’s Jjust Music, the audience is eagerly excited to have yet another melody from them. Keeping up their constant spree, Jjust Music announced their upcoming Punjabi song ‘Nain Ronde Rehnde’ from Ahen Vaatish a few days back and now they are here with the teaser of this soulful melody. As the teaser says all about the song, this soulful Punjabi melody is all set to take over our hearts with its amazing composition and has hyped the excitement to witness the song on its release on 18th October.
Meanwhile, Jjust Music made it to the headlines for it’s first PAN India music video Mashooka starring bold and quirky Rakul Preet Singh. The song turned out to be a huge success and was received well by the audience.