Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan starrer Blackmail will hit the screens as scheduled on April 6, the makers have announced amid rumours that the actor’s health condition may affect the movie’s release.
The announcement was made by T-Series and RDP Motion Pictures through a statement.
Irrfan’s announcement that he was diagnosed with a rare disease had lead to speculation about his status of upcoming projects.
Bhushan Kumar and Abhinay Deo have expressed gratitude to Irrfan for his integrity and professionalism as they went to met Irrfan who said he wants the movie to get released.
“When I met Irrfan recently, he said please ensure that ‘Blackmail’ has a great release, emphasizing that his film’s release date should not suffer owing to his ill health at this time”, Abhinay Deo said after meeting Irrfan.
Bhushan Kumar added: “Our prayers are with Irrfan and his family. We are hopeful that he will recover from his illness. As per his wish, we will release Blackmail on April 6 in the best possible manner.
The film also features Kirti Kulhari, Divya Dutta, Arunoday Singh, Omi Vaidya, Anuja Sathe, Pradhuman Singh Mall and Gajraj Rao and is slated to hit the theaters on April 6.