Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar, who was recently in the capital to promote sports and fitness, feels making people laugh is the toughest thing to do.
Akshay told, how important it is for an actor to keep a balance between the types of genres of cinema and how important fitness and sports has been in his personal life.
“Yes I’m going to do The Great Indian Laughter Challenge and there will be some other great stand up artistes as well,” the actor said.
“I think it’s important for us as actors to keep a balance between the types of characters we choose. I don’t want myself to be tagged as an actor with the ‘image’ of just acting in one specific genre,” he added.
The actor is planning to make a return to one of his most iconic genres, comedy, in a TV show.
What is the toughest thing for the actor
“Comedy is not an easy task; it is one of the toughest things to do onscreen. To make people laugh, it requires some hard work. I enjoy doing different characters as I don’t want to restrict myself to just one character,” Akshay said.
What the actor believes
The Airlift actor, who is known for his versatility, believes fitness is important and one should indulge in some outdoor activity.
“I would like to say to everyone that you should pick up a sport and play that game,” the actor said.
So, what is the Khiladi Kumar’s favourite sport?
“My favourite sport is football, it keeps you fit.”
His message to youngsters in the country.
“For all the youngsters of our country I would want them to play a game rather than spending their entire time on phones and internet as it’s not good for your health.”
Akshay is right now enjoying the massive success of Toilet: Ek Prem Katha and will be next seen in movies like sports-drama Gold and Padman.