Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor is gearing up to play the role of an intelligence officer in his upcoming project India’s Most Wanted. In his latest Instagram posts, the actor introduced his fans to the character, Prabhat.
In the first post, Arjun talks about the journey that he is about to start with his character. Taking to Instagram, he wrote, “An exceptionally talented team has come together to tell a story that from day one stirred me from within. Some journeys give you a different perspective on everything u thought u knew. This is one such journey.”
Listing out the traits of his character, the Gunday actor shared his look from the film on Monday. “Grit, determination, self-belief – A character unlike any that I have played before. Meet Prabhat,” the caption read.
Raj Kumar Gupta directed India’s Most Wanted is based on a real-life secret mission carried out during 2012 to 2014, to capture India’s most wanted terrorist.
Earlier, Arjun termed this film as ‘extremely unique’ and wrote, “India’s Most Wanted is a film about real people and real incidents, Raj sir has his hand firm on the pulse of this genre. As an actor I feel India’s Most Wanted is something that is extremely unique as a film; it’s a special and important story that needs to be told. Personally, I’m entering uncharted territory with this genre, I am nervous and excited working on such an evocative and impactful film that every Indian need to watch.”
Meanwhile, Arjun Kapoor has other projects such as Namastey England and Sandeep Aur Pinky Faraar also starring Parineeti Chopra.