After a three-decade hiatus, Indian cinema is set to make a dazzling return to the Cannes Film Festival spotlight. “All We Imagine As Light,” a film by the talented writer-director Payal Kapadia, is breaking barriers as the first Indian entry in the festival’s top competition category in 30 years. The exciting news came out at a press conference in Paris, where festival bigwigs Iris Knobloch and Thierry Fremaux made the announcement.
What sets Kapadia’s achievement apart is not just the long-awaited return of Indian cinema to Cannes, but also her status as one of only four female directors competing this year, a decrease from seven in the previous year. However, this isn’t Kapadia’s first rendezvous with the prestigious French festival. Her previous work, “A Night of Not Knowing Nothing,” clinched the Golden Eye Award for Best Documentary at the Director’s Fortnight in 2021, garnering critical acclaim.
Kapadia’s cinematic journey began at Cannes in 2017 with “Afternoon Clouds,” featured in the Cinefondation section, another testament to her growing influence on the global stage. “All We Imagine As Light,” a collaboration between Indian and French filmmakers, delves into the lives of Prabha, a nurse grappling with unexpected revelations from her estranged husband, and Anu, her young friend on a quest for intimacy with her lover.
The film promises a poignant narrative that unfolds through letters exchanged between characters, offering a window into their innermost thoughts and desires. As the story progresses, Prabha and Anu embark on a transformative road trip to a coastal town, where they find solace and space for their dreams to flourish.
Kapadia’s work not only represents a milestone for Indian cinema but also serves as a testament to the power of storytelling to transcend borders and connect audiences on a universal level. As “All We Imagine As Light” takes center stage at Cannes, it symbolizes a triumph of creativity, diversity, and the enduring spirit of cinematic excellence.