Bollywood’s favourite superhero Krrish aka Hrithik Roshan turned 44 on January 12 and the celebs from the tinsel town poured in their heartfelt wishes for the actor. But it seems like Kriti Sanon’s birthday wish got much attention from the birthday boy himself when he expressed his desire to work with the Bareily Ki Barfi actress in future.
Kriti, who was last seen in the sleeper hit ‘Bareily…‘, was among many B-town celebs who wished the dashing hunk on Twitter.
Kriti tweeted:”Happiestt Birthday @iHrithik !! Wish you lots of happiness and a ‘Super’ Fabulous year ahead! Stay the warm humble person you are!!”
Hrithik instantly took notice of the warm birthday wish by the actress and replied: “Kriti thank you so much. I look forward to working with you. Loved u in Bareilly ki barfi”
Hrithik’s humble reply has raised all eyebrows as to when the two actors will work with each other and his appreciation of the young actress only proves about his supporting nature for the young talent out there.
Kriti essayed the role of a young and free minded girl, Bitti, from a small town, Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh, in the film and received rave reviews for her performance in the film.
On the work front, Kriti will be next seen in Arjun Patiala while Hrithik is busy shooting for Vikas Bahl’s biopic drama, Super 30.