In a harrowing incident that unfolded in the early hours of Monday, “Black Panther” actor and stunt performer Carrie Bernans fell victim to a shocking hit-and-run in the heart of New York City. The 29-year-old, known for her dynamic roles in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, sustained severe injuries when a driver crashed into an outdoor dining shed at the Chirp restaurant in Manhattan around 1:30 a.m., as disclosed by her representative in a statement to People.
Bernans, who recently welcomed her son into the world, fortunately wasn’t accompanied by the infant during the incident. The crash resulted in multiple broken bones for the acclaimed actor. But she is in stable condition at present. Unfortunately, Bernans was not the sole casualty, as the collision left a total of eight pedestrians injured.
The New York Police Department, as reported by NBC New York, revealed that the accident occurred amidst a dramatic foot chase. Law enforcement had been alerted to a physical assault involving a 44-year-old male driver and his 34-year-old female passenger in a black Mercedes. The chaotic situation unfolded in the aftermath of this confrontation.
The driver’s identity is not out yet. But he now finds himself in a critical condition, hospitalized, and in the custody of the police. Meanwhile, the motive behind the alleged hit-and-run remains unclear, and investigators are working diligently to piece together the sequence of events.
Carrie Bernans’ mother, Patricia Lee, took to Instagram to share the traumatic experience her daughter endured. Lee posted graphic images of Bernans’ injuries and revealed that the actor had been walking near a food stand with a friend when the chaotic incident unfolded. The collision knocked Bernans unconscious and trapped her beneath the stand, oblivious to the unfolding chaos.
Expressing gratitude for the support received, Lee implored well-wishers to keep her daughter in their thoughts and prayers as she embarks on the challenging path of recovery and new beginnings. The plea extended to the first responders, police, strangers, friends, and family who rushed to Bernans’ aid during this distressing ordeal.
As the investigation unfolds, the entertainment community and fans alike rally behind Carrie Bernans, wishing her a swift and complete recovery from this unfortunate and distressing incident.