Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani starrer Kabir Singh has taken the box office by a storm. The film also becomes Shahid Kapoor’s first solo Rs 100-crore club entry. Film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared the film’s business on social media.
Kabir Singh, a remake of Telugu hit Arjun Reddy, entered the prestigious club on Day 5 after its release. Despite releasing on the least number of screens in comparison to big-budget films like Bharat, Kesari, Gully Boy and Total Dhamaal, the film became the second entrant to the Rs 100-crore club after Salman Khan starrer Bharat, which crossed the mark on Day 5 after release.
On Tuesday, the film earned Rs 16.53 crores, while on Monday Rs 17.54 crores and the opening weekend collection of Rs 70 crores makes the total stand at Rs 104. 90 crores.
Despite predictions that the film will only do well at urban and semi-urban centres, it has also has done some great business in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities.
Many are also predicting that the film will surpass Uri’s lifetime business of Rs 245 crores and more if it continues at the rate with which it is churning numbers at the box office.
According to Taran Adarsh, the film is attracting repeat audiences which is a rarity these days.
Interestingly, the highest grossing films of 2019, Uri: The Surgical Strike and Kabir Singh are both directed by first-time directors, Aditya Dhar and Sandeep Reddy Vanga, respectively.