Bollywood actor Vicky Kaushal has been basking in the success of his latest outing, Uri: The Surgical Strike. But Vicky’s personal life has been making headlines for quite a long time, and, if you remember, he confirmed his relationship status on Karan Johar’s chat show, Koffee With Karan 6.
In a recent interview with Famously Filmfare, host Jitesh asked the Massan actor about his relationship status he said, “It (the relationship) felt right from the very beginning. It is beautiful to get to know each other.”
He opened up on how he felt right with Harleen Sethi, a TV actress who appeared in Broken But Beautiful.
“We happen to meet through common friends. It felt right from the very beginning. We never questioned it. The beginning isn’t too far off. It only started last year. It was beautiful to get to know each other. And whatever happened, happened in a very organic way. We didn’t rush it or question it. It just seemed right. We enjoy each other’s company. We are our best critics. It’s a happy space,” added Vicky.
He also opened up on who he completely depends on.
“She’s a very close friend of mine. She was a co-assistant director with me on Gangs of Wasseypur. Her name is Shilpa Shrivastav. She is like my soulmate,” the actor said.
Uri: The Surgical Strike, the first major release of the year 2019, has turned out to be the biggest hit so far. The film recently entered the Rs 200-crore club.