Bollywood actress Rhea Chakraborty has turned in a year older today. The actress is turning in a new leaf in her lifetime and again treats fans with her ‘renewed’ self. She has been sharing instances of the same on her social media— from spending her time in the lush greens, to practicing meditation and yoga.
See her posts below:
*Nature lover*
Rhea’s love for nature knows no bounds and spends time amidst the lush environments, to feel refreshed and renewed.
*Magical hues*
The actress is now enjoying the little victories in the little things, which makes her special.
*Sea lover*
Rhea’s love for water bodies is unmatchable and shows how much they mean to her.
*New beginnings*
The actress recently attended a media event after a long and termed it as the new special beginnings of her life.
On women’s day, Rhea penned down a special note raising a toast for fearless women.