Tamil and Telugu movie actress Hansika Motwani is all set to marry her business partner and friend, Sohael Khaturiya, in Jaipur. Their pre-wedding pictures and videos are going viral on social media with her fans and friends sharing best wishes messages.
At the pre-wedding day party, Hansika can be seen wearing a glittery dress in white, while Sohael opted for a white tuxedo. They can be seen dancing together on different numbers, including Hrithik-Katrina’s hit number ‘Tu Meri’ from the 2014 film ‘Bang Bang!’.
For the ‘Haldi’ ceremony too, they had complimented each other with floral outfits in white. The couple looked stunning and were seen having fun with their family and friends.
Hansika also posted pictures from her ‘Sangeet’ ceremony, in which she looked gorgeous in a pink lehenga, while Sohael stunned everyone with his black sherwani.
A few days back, Hansika also shared adorable pictures and videos from her ‘Mehandi’ ceremony and bachelorette party with her friends.
Hansika launched her career as a child actor in Hindi films and went on to act in several Telugu movies, including ‘Desamuduru’, ‘Kantri’ and ‘Maska’. She has also appeared in Tamil films such as ‘Mappillai’ and ‘Engeyum Kadhal’.
She will be next seen in ‘Partner’, ‘105 Minutes’, ‘My Name Is Shruthi’ and ‘Rowdy Baby’.