The teaser of ‘Hamare Baarah’, directed by Kamal Chandra and featuring Annu Kapoor, Manoj Joshi, and Paritosh Tripathi, has sparked a heated debate on social media. The teaser, which presents a bold narrative shedding light on the struggles faced by women, has captivated audiences and generated significant buzz even before its release.
Prior to the teaser, the posters released by the makers had already intrigued audiences, and the teaser has only intensified the excitement surrounding the film. Netizens have taken to social media to express their thoughts on the teaser, praising its refreshing and honest portrayal of societal issues.
Here are some reactions of netizens on social media:
Another user wrote:
Another reaction:
A user wrote in support of women:
The film, produced by Birender Bhagat, Ravi S Gupta, Sanjay Nagpal, and Sheo Balak Singh, with Triloki Nath Prasad as co-producer, addresses the pressing issue of population rise, set against the backdrop of Uttar Pradesh. Featuring a stellar cast including Annu Kapoor, Ashwini Kalsekar, Manoj Joshi, and others, ‘Hamare Baarah’ promises to deliver a thought-provoking cinematic experience.
Scheduled for release on June 7th, 2024, the film recently premiered at the prestigious 77th Cannes Film Festival. With Viacom 18 Studios handling the India release and Rising Star Entertainment UK overseeing the global distribution, ‘Hamare Baarah’ is poised to make a significant impact both locally and internationally.