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George R R Martin, the author of popular fantasy series The song of Ice and Fire, has basically confirmed a well-known theory.
Actor Kit Harington (Photo: Facebook)
George R R Martin, the author of popular fantasy series The song of Ice and Fire, has basically confirmed a well-known theory. Ahead of the release of the HBO series Game Of Thrones Season 8, the author kind of revealed Jon Snow’s fate.
Thanks to the book fans, a lot about the history of Westeros and the first men are already out there. Based on such information, various fan theories have been formed and some even were proved right over the years.
A popular theory about Jon Snow, who is actually Aegon Targaryen (a different one of course), suggests that he is the “chosen warrior”.
Recently, Martin revealed that Aegon Targaryen had a foresight and knew about the coming threat. “Aegon finally decided to take over Westeros and unify the Seven Kingdoms that existed at the time under one rule. There is a lot of speculation that in some sense he saw what was coming 300 years later, and wanted to unify the Seven Kingdoms to be better prepared for the threat that he eventually saw coming from the north — the threat that we are dealing with in A Song of Ice and Fire,” he said.
According to what we last saw, Jon Snow carried a wight back to Westeros to prove that there is a bigger threat beyond the wall. Speaking of bringing the seven kingdoms together, he has been on it.
On the other hand, Melisandre, the Red Witch, has often mentioned about Azor Ahai – aka The Prince That Was Promised, the one who would bring an end to the White Walkers. According to the religion of Rhellior, the Azor Ahai had to plunge his sword through the heart of his most loved one, his wife, which changed it into the Lightbringer. The mystical weapon then brought an end to the conflict when the long night came.
If Jon Snow is actually the Azor Ahai, then Danaerys might be the one he would have to sacrifice.
Based on George RR Martin’s novels, Game of Thrones is about the thrilling quest to claim the Iron Throne. It is the intricate and surprising tale that keeps one hooked to the show.
The final season of Game of Thrones will be aired in India on Star World.