In a momentous occasion at the 51st International Emmy Awards, Ekta Kapoor was bestowed with the prestigious International Emmy Directorate Award. The honor was presented by none other than the renowned Deepak Chopra. Kapoor, known for her trailblazing career and profound impact on the Indian television landscape, expressed her gratitude and emotions after receiving the accolade.
Draped in a light orange-colored embellished outfit, Kapoor held the emblematic Emmy in her hand as she conveyed her sentiments to India Today. Overwhelmed with emotion, she dedicated the achievement to her homeland, saying, “This is for you, India. We are bringing home your Emmy.” The poignant moment was captured on her Instagram account, where she shared a brief video clip showcasing the coveted award. “India, I’m bringing home YOUR Emmy @iemmys,” she conveyed in her social media post.
Reflecting on the broader significance of art, writing, and storytelling, Kapoor acknowledged their profound impact, stating, “I think art and writing and storytelling have a far bigger impact than we gave it credit.” The global recognition on such a prestigious platform left her feeling a bit overwhelmed and humbled. Kapoor emphasized that the honor had instilled a sense of responsibility in her.
Expressing her newfound sense of duty, Kapoor remarked that she believes in using her voice for the greater good, to shed light on the stories of those who often go unheard. In her words, “Now to be honored by this global platform on a global stage, I just feel a little overwhelmed and humbled.” The recognition has prompted Kapoor to view her role not only as a creative artist but also as a storyteller responsible for representing the voices of those who may be marginalized.
The journey leading to this remarkable achievement began in August when Ekta Kapoor first shared the news of her nomination. Overflowing with humility and exhilaration, she acknowledged the award’s special place in her heart, symbolizing a journey that goes beyond professional accomplishments. Representing her nation on the global stage through this esteemed platform, Kapoor considers it an honor beyond words.
The International Emmy Directorate Award serves as a testament to Ekta Kapoor’s impactful contributions to the world of television and storytelling. Her recognition on the global stage not only elevates her own career but also underscores the richness and diversity of India’s creative landscape. In a world where narratives shape perceptions, Kapoor’s commitment to using her influence for the benefit of others marks a significant chapter in her illustrious career.