Actor Rahul Bose who is in Chandigarh shooting for a film shared a short video clip on social media that has gone viral.
In the video, Rahul shared that while he was working out at the gym, he asked the J.W. Marriot hotel staff for two bananas which he got with a bill that had a total due of Rs. 442. Stating that the bananas were too good for him, he signed off by saying, ” Well done JW Marriott.
He wrote: ” You have to see this to believe it. Who said fruit wasn’t harmful to your existence? Ask the wonderful folks at@JWMarriottChd #goingbananas #howtogetfitandgobroke #potassiumforkings”
Ever since the actor shared the video on his official Twitter handle, users have been retweeting, and posting their own “Rahul Bose moment” by sharing experiences where they had to pay either too much or too less for something and if their experience was worth it or not.
There are some hilarious memes also circulating on the internet about the same.
This is the original video by Rahul Bose.