Bollywood’s most loved family, the Kapoor family celebrates Diwali in their distinguished style. The family has given amazing artists to the industry from Raj Kapoor to Rishi Kapoor to Kareena and Karishma to Ranbir Kapoor. Here’s how your favorite Kapoor’s celebrated their Diwali.
Kareena Kapoor shared adorable pictures on her social media with her husband Saif Ali Khan and her kids Tim and Zeh
In her next post Kareen shared a lovely picture with the family
Karisma Kapoor shared a reel with a ‘lowkey diwali’ vibes
Neetu Singh Kapoor shares a happy picture with son Ranbir Kapoor and daughter-in-law Alia Bhatt.
Ridhima Kapoor shared a family photo with caption, “Happy Diwali from us to you & yours ❤️ Love light prosperity happiness & good health to all ”