Diljit Dosanjh recently set the stage on fire with his electrifying performance alongside Bollywood diva Karisma Kapoor at Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s sangeet ceremony in Jamnagar. The Punjabi singer-actor shared a video on his Instagram handle, showcasing their amazing chemistry as they danced to his latest track, “Kinni Kinni.”
In the video, Diljit seemed to be in high spirits, charming the audience with his energetic performance, while Karisma matched his enthusiasm with her graceful moves. The duo’s on-stage camaraderie was a sight to behold, leaving everyone mesmerized.
Expressing his excitement, Diljit compared the experience to dancing with the legendary Govinda, acknowledging Karisma as the “dancing queen.” He wrote, “KINNI KINNI With Dancing Queen @therealkarismakapoor I Feel Like Govinda.”
This is not the first time Diljit has shared the stage with a Bollywood star in the Ambani wedding. Previously, he had the audience cheering when he performed with Kareena Kapoor Khan. In a viral video, Diljit can be seen singing his popular hits, with Kareena and her husband Saif Ali Khan joining him on stage.
Diljit’s admiration for Kareena was evident when he compared her to international pop stars Rihanna and Beyonce, saying, “They must be having their Rihanna and Beyonce, Kareena is everything to us.” The trio then grooved to the chartbuster “Proper Patola,” with Kareena showcasing her impeccable dance skills.
The chemistry between Diljit Dosanjh and Bollywood leading ladies continues to captivate audiences, and their performances together are always a treat to watch.