In a heartbreaking turn of events, the entertainment industry mourns the untimely demise of 32-year-old actress Poonam Pandey, who succumbed to cervical cancer. The shocking news was revealed through a poignant Instagram post. Renowned fashion designer Rohit Verma, still grappling with disbelief, shared his recent experience working with Poonam just two days prior.
In a heartfelt post on his Instagram, Verma paid tribute to the departed soul, describing her as a “unique frequency” and a bearer of “powerful gifts” that she generously shared with the world.
Verma’s emotional message conveyed a profound sense of loss, as he reflected on the cosmic significance of Poonam’s presence in the world. “There is a GREAT PLAN for earth and it includes YOU,” he wrote, emphasizing the actress’s pivotal role in the grand scheme of life.
Encouraging Poonam to continue being her authentic self, designer Rohit Verma urged her to remain unapologetic and embrace the most liberated version of herself. The designer passionately implored her to persevere in her journey of self-evolution and to reject self-doubt, advising her to silence the inner critic and become her own biggest cheerleader.
Expressing his shock and sorrow at the sudden turn of events, Verma disclosed that he had recently collaborated with Poonam for his new collection, making her passing all the more poignant. In his poignant tribute, he remembered Poonam not only as a talented professional but also as a wonderful human being with a heart of gold.
As the news of Poonam Pandey’s passing resonates through the industry, her colleagues and fans alike are mourning the loss of a vibrant soul who left soon.