Rohit Shetty’s action-drama-thriller Sooryavanshi is set to be released on March 24. However, amidst the increasing number of cases of novel coronavirus, the release date of the movie, starring Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh, and Katrina Kaif, is likely to be postponed.
So far the release date of the upcoming release has not been finalised and rumours are also surfacing in the industry that makers could extend the date due to the financial risks at the Box-office.
Last week, owing to the rise of novel coronavirus cases and its outbreak all over the world, the James Bond film No Time To Die, starring Daniel Craig in his final 007 outing, had been postponed until November this year.
On the other hand, WHO has urged governments to step up containment efforts as the number of worldwide cases topped 126,386 and deaths exceeded 4,635. Meanwhile in India, the total number of novel coronavirus cases touched 73 till now.