Avengers star Chris Hemsworth, who is currently shooting for his Netflix series Dhaka in India, witnessed a traffic jam and, interestingly, was quite overwhelmed at the sight. The actor saw cars, auto-rickshaws, and bikes causing a jam in front of his car in Ahmedabad and described the scene as a “beautiful chaos”.
On Sunday night, the ‘God of Thunder’ took to his Instagram story and posted a video of the scene, imitating the cacophony of the horns.
Also read: Watch | Chris Hemsworth begins shooting Dhaka in India, shares glimpse from the sets
“Traffic is flowing”, he captioned the next video. “It’s a good system this one… Here we are in the intersection, and no one is really moving, except our car going on the wrong side of the road… What is happening? Oh, the tuk tuks are out… The horns are on,” he said in the video.
Previously, Hemsworth shared a few pictures surrounded by fans in Ahmedabad.
“Beyond thankful for the kindness and generosity that the people of India have extended to us while making our little film here,” he captioned the photographs.
Chris Hemsworth flew into India last week. He started shooting for Dhaka on 3 November, and shared some glimpses from on and off the sets with his Instagram followers.
He especially loved a “welcome package” in his hotel room. It included an edible chocolate picture frame with his Thor look and a chocolate version of Thor’s iconic hammer.
The actor is likely to also shoot in Mumbai for the film, which is reportedly an action film in which the actor plays a character that has to liberate a kidnapped Indian boy. Physically brave but an emotional coward, the man has to come to terms with his identity and sense of self.
-With agency inputs