Actress Chhaya Kadam is experiencing mixed emotions right now. Kadam is delighted that Kiran Rao’s ‘Laapataa Ladies,’ in which she played Manju Mai, has been selected as India’s official entry for the 2025 Oscars. However, she is also disappointed that her other film, Payal Kapadia’s ‘All We Imagine As Light’ didn’t make the cut. Notably, Kapadia’s film bagged the second most prestigious award at the Cannes Film Festival- The Grand Prix. Several social media users have also expressed disappointment claiming that while ‘Laapataa Ladies’ is a great film, ‘All We Imagine As Light’ should have been the pick, given its success at Cannes.
In an interview with India Today, Chhaya Kadam opens up on the bittersweet emotions she is going through right now. Expressing delight over ‘Laapataa Ladies’ she said, “I am very happy and excited. What more can I say? It is a moment of pride for me that our film, Laapataa Ladies, got selected as India’s official entry for the Oscars. On the other hand, my other film, All We Imagine As Light, was also shortlisted by France as a potential submission for the Oscars 2025. I have come to Paris right now for the premiere.”
On the flip side, the actress also expressed her dejection over Kapadia’s film not being selected for the Academy Awards. Kadam said, “I am happy for Laapataa Ladies but at the same time I am feeling a little bad for Payal’s film (All We Imagine As Light) as well. Now this decision has been taken by the biggies at Film Federation so I have no say in it. I would have loved to see both the films at Oscars.”
Also Read: ‘Laapataa Ladies’ selected as India’s official entry for the Oscars
Chhaya Kadam essayed the role of Manju Mai in Kiran Rao’s directorial film. The film starred new talents Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ratna, and Sparsh Shrivastava in lead roles. Additionally, popular actor Ravi Kishan played a key role. The film is nuanced, fresh, and a light-hearted take on patriarchy. It addresses the issue with a touch of appreciable humour and presents the complexities of gender dynamics authentically.
Meanwhile, several netizens have lashed out at the Film Federation for their choice. Taking to X, users have pointed out that Payal Kapadia’s film proved its mettle at the Cannes Film Festival. Therefore, they believe that the film would have been a stronger pick for India’s Oscars entry.
As ‘Laapataa Ladies’ is ready for the Oscars, netizens are curious about what lies ahead for the film.