Bollywood actress Zareen Khan on Thursday filed an FIR against her former manager Anjali Atha. She filed the FIR at Khar police station, which was confirmed by Zareen’s advocate Rizwan Siddique.
According to reports, Zareen recently learnt that her former manager Anjali was spreading malicious rumours about her in the entertainment industry, which is tarnishing her image.
Anjali has previously worked with Hrithik Roshan and Kangana Ranaut. Zareen has accused her of assassinating her character.
Quoting Rizwan Siddquee, a report in Mumbai Mirror said, “The matter now needs to be investigated further, and therefore, an FIR was registered in the said matter under Section 509 of Indian Penal Code”. The lawyer added, “Woman’s dignity and reputation is of immense value and cannot be put at risk by anyone indulging in character assassination, especially someone who was her representative once and was trusted blindly.”
On the professional front, Zareen Khan made her Bollywood debut with 2010 film Veer and has worked on a number of projects after that.