Kareena Kapoor Khan and Abhishek Bachchan, both made their debut on the silver screen with the 2000 film, ‘Refugee.’ The film, helmed by JP Datta, emerged as a box office success and successfully launched the duo in the Hindi film industry. However, the filming process wasn’t as glamorous as Kareena Kapoor wasn’t comfortable filming romantic scenes with Abhishek Bachchan, as she considered him like a brother.
During an appearance on Simi Garewal’s show, Junior Bachchan was all praise for his first co-star Kareena but then added, “I will never forgive you for ruining me in that scene because I remember the first thing you ever said to me was that AB, this is our first romantic scene together, and how can I fall in love with you? You’re like my brother.”
The scene in question here is the sequence that took place at the Dargah, where Bebo’s character asks Abhishek’s character to stay back right when he is about to leave. Kareena, however, detailed the incident and admitted that she considered Abhishek a brother. The actress even went on to tell the director, “JP uncle, how can I do those scenes when I consider him to be my brother?”
The ‘Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham’ actress had a special bond with the ‘Dhoom’ actor who was poised to tie the knot with her sister, Karisma Kapoor. After Karisma and Abhishek decided otherwise, things turned sour between Bebo and Jr Bachchan.
During an interaction with Rajeev Masand, Kareena reflected “I have always maintained that Abhishek is the first actor with whom I gave my first shot. To me, he holds a very special place in my heart that no actor and no person can ever take. When I look at him, I look at him with pride, joy, and with happiness. It’s sad, things went sour.”
She further added that if Abhishek ever refused to work with her, she would understand his thought process and that “people should respect that”. Elaborating on the same, the actress iterated, “If he chooses not to do a film with me, it’s vice versa because I understand the comfort levels will not be the same, likewise from my side as well. I think people should respect that.”
When asked to comment if her relationship with Aishwarya Rai soured since she ended up with Abhishek Bachchan, she replied in negative, stating, “There was never a problem with Aish. In fact, she is lovely and whenever we have met, she has always spoken to me, in fact, she speaks highly of me, I have read so many interviews of her, why should there be a problem?”
Karisma Kapoor tied the knot with Sanjay Kapur in 2003 before the two parted ways in 2014 after a distasteful divorce battle. They have two kids, Samaira and Kiaan Kapoor. On the other hand, Abhishek Bachchan married Aishwarya Rai in 2007 and they have a daughter together, Aaradhya Bachchan.