Superstar Rajinikanth’s much-anticipated film Darbar, which marks his first collaboration with director AR Murugadoss, and featuring Lady Superstar Nayanthara as the female lead, dropped its Hindi trailer on Monday. Helmed by AR Murugados, the film is a commercial entertainer produced by Lyca Productions and features Nayanthara, Suneil Shetty, Prateik Babbar, Yogi Babu and Nivetha Thomas in pivotal roles.
In the trailer, Rajinikanth appears as a cop named Aaditya Arunasalam who is ruthless and in the end, he says, ‘I’m a bad cop.’ Also, he appears in another role where he is clad in dapper suits, which is believed to be his second role in the film.
If rumours are to be believed, Darbar has Rajinikanth essaying two roles as a cop and a social activist. Also, Aaditya Arunasalam has a face-off with Suneil Shetty, who is the main antagonist.
Film critic and trade analyst Taran Adarsh took to his official Twitter handle to share the trailer of the film. Alongside the trailer, he wrote, “#Rajinikanth – director AR Murugadoss… One of the biggest combinations of #Indian cinema… HINDI version trailer of #Darbar… Costars #Nayanthara and #SunielShetty… 9 Jan 2020 release… #DarbarTrailer (sic).”
The trailer of the film was launched in Mumbai on December 16. As reported earlier, Darbar will simultaneously release in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi for Pongal 2020. Looking at the one-minute long trailer, Darbar seems like a perfect commercial out that celebrates Rajinikanth.
Darbar is slated to release on January 9. However, the makers are yet to announce the official release date yet.