Actor Vikrant Massey recently shared a heartwarming experience from the special screening of his film ‘The Sabarmati Report’, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi was visibly moved by the film.
Vikrant Massey revealed that the Prime Minister Modi not only appreciated the film but was also deeply emotional during the screening.
“He loved the film and our efforts. At the screening, I was emotional, and I believe he was equally moved. His eyes were moist,” Vikrant recalled. The actor expressed his satisfaction, saying it was a validation of their hard work to bring attention to an event that took place 22 years ago.
Vikrant also spoke about the profound compliment he received from PM Modi, who praised his performance. “He told me he liked my work a lot. This is a compliment that I will cherish forever. I’ll tell my grandchildren that the then honourable Prime Minister of India knows me by name and has seen my movie,” said Vikrant.
PM Modi had earlier praised the film on social media, highlighting its role in revealing the truth behind historical events. In a post on X (formerly Twitter), he commented, “It is good that this truth is coming out in a way that common people can see. A fake narrative can only last for so long; eventually, the facts will come out!”
The screening, held earlier this month at the Balyogi Auditorium in Parliament, New Delhi, was a momentous occasion.
Along with PM Modi, the event was attended by key political figures, including Union Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, and other Members of Parliament. The film’s cast was also present to witness the historic moment.
For Vikrant, this screening was a career milestone. “Watching the film with the Prime Minister, cabinet ministers, and MPs was a special experience. I can’t fully express how happy I am. This is the highest point of my career,” he shared with the media after the event.