Model-turned-actor Vikram Malhan is all set to make a debut with a short film The Good Gun. Vikram will be seen as a lead actor, essaying the role of an Indian Airforce pilot. The seventeen-minute film is about a pent up yet soulful interaction between two Airforce Pilots, one is from India while the other is from Pakistan. Their plane crashes into no man’s land and they end up stranded in a jungle leaving them no choice but to work as a team to escape being inadvertently marooned.
Talking about his role in the short film, Vikram said, “When I read the script I was very impressed by the narrative and overall loved the concept. I have always wanted to act in a project that is not just entertaining but promotes good content as well. I knew I did not want a typical run-of-the-mill subject for my debut film. I spent time with the director fine tuning the script and was involved with the project from inception and I hope everyone who watches the short film loves it.”
Shot in the outskirts of Mumbai near Khopoli, it was quite a challenging production as the area is fairly isolated. Vikram added, “We had to stay overnight in a jungle at Khapoli Ashram. Also since we shot during monsoon the rains made it difficult. There are some hardcore action scenes but the overall crux of the film deals with a sensitive issue in a matured way. It gives a good message – war is not a solution.”
Before venturing into films, Vikram has featured in many commercials.
Directed by Ashwin Mani, The Good Gun features Siddharth Arora as the Pakistani Air Force pilot. The film is slated to release on a leading digital platform soon.